Pneumatic conveying of mixed products

Pneumatic conveying of mixed products

trasporto pneumatico prodotti miscelati

After the mixing process, it is often essential to conveying the materials to the packaging line or the loading point of the processing machine. This phase plays a crucial role due to the risk of demixing between products with different particle size and densities.

The demixing phenomenon mainly occurs in pneumatic conveying in the dilute phase, resulting in the stratification of products upon arrival. Both packaging and the process machine clearly require a uniform mixture feed, avoiding segregation of the various components.

Dense phase conveying is an effective solution for keeping mixtures intact by transporting compacted products at low speeds.

The conveyor, acting as a line-filling organ, transfers a considerable amount of product into the pipeline, creating a true plug that, pushed by air or transport fluid along the entire path, reaches its destination.

By regulating the pressure of the fluid acting on the plug, the minimum force required to move it is applied.
This approach allows large quantities of product to be transported compactly and at low velocity, and it is precisely the typical plug-like shape that the product takes on in the pipeline that contributes to preserve the integrity of the mixtures.