It is unwise to pay too much

It is unwise to pay too much

It is unwise to pay too much, but…

Price has always been important, but never important as well as in these recent years.
From the «crisis» to nowadays , companies have been obliged to make a choice: decrease prices, and dramatically reduce their margins, or rolling up their sleeves and bringing a real value to their customers and keeping prices «consistent».

But bringing true value is difficult.
It is not just about having a good product: this is obvious.
Having a good after-sales … it’s normal.
The customer expects this as a minimum.

Obviously Air Tec System has chosen to keep away from the «price war».
We have chosen the most difficult path, but the one that gives more satisfaction: giving a real value to the customer.

So what means for Air Tec System giving a value to its customers?
First you can count on the only company specialized in the design and production of pneumatic conveying systems.
We DO NOT do anything else, we are specialized ONLY in this!
And we are proud of it.
Being specialized has always paid off.

We do not deal with 1000 things, we are specialized in pneumatic dense phase conveying of powders and granules…
This allows us to have an extraordinary standard production that we obviously customize «tailored» to the specific needs of each customer.

I don’t want to tell to you about patents, quality, assistance, services etc. everyone mention it, especially those who can’t maintain it.

Air Tec System exists from over 25 years and our expansion plans are at least ambitious.
Who purchases from us improve their production processes and therefore their profitability, in addition to efficiency.
Our customers sleep peacefully.

That’s why we cost a little more than «others», but our quality / price ratio is unbeatable.
We want to «stay out of the price war» because we are focused on satisfying customers all over the world.

Click here to see some Case Studies

So what is the right price to pay?
To answer this question, I copied a consideration by John Ruskin that goes back over 100 years.

It is unwise to pay too much.
But paying too little is worse.
When you pay too much you lose a little bit of money, and that’s it.
But if you pay too little you risk to lose everything,
because the thing bought may
not suit your needs.
The law of balance in exchanges does not allow
to pay a little and receive a lot:
it is absurd.
If it deals with the lowest bidder,
it will be prudent to add something
for the risk you run;
but if you do this you will have enough
to buy something better.

John Ruskin (1819 – 1900)